Please participate at your discretion...
Thank you for having your child be involved with horses. I am Carol Thompson, a Master’s student in Animal Science. One of my graduate projects is to look at how horse programs influence youth. I would like to ask if you would have your child complete a survey about their experiences with their horse.
We want to look at how working with their horse has impacted them as a person. The survey should take 15 to 20 minutes to complete and will not ask for any information about who they are so they should feel comfortable being honest in their answers. We hope to use the data we collect to improve horse and youth programs in Nebraska. You have the right to decide if they will complete the survey and no penalty will occur to you or your child if you choose not to have your child complete the survey. The entire informed consent letter as approved by the University of Nebraska – Lincoln Institutional Review Board is located here for your review prior to completing the survey.
Thank you for your time. We appreciate your support. If you have additional questions please contact me, Carol Thompson at [email protected] or 402-472-0545.
Carol Thompson
Master's Student, Animal Science
C204H Animal Science Complex
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Office Phone:402-472-0545
[email protected]