NDA could not operate without the help and support of its generous sponsors. Are you interested in becoming a sponsor of our organization? You've come to the right place!
Why become a sponsor?Becoming an NDA sponsor offers you or your business the opportunity to advertise to and support an audience of dressage enthusiast as they pursue their passion. You will be accessing the eyeballs of an audience who is fiercely dedicated to their sport.
Who are these dressage enthusiasts? An independent study done by USDF found that dressage exhibitors and spectators fit the following demographic profile: 95% female, 60% are age 31 to 50, 50% are college graduates, 50% have an income of $75,000+, 60% are Executives or Management, and 95% use at least one credit card. What do we do with the funds? Each year we rely on generous sponsors and donors in order to provide our membership with educational opportunities, a schooling show series, nationally recognized shows, and a year-end awards program. |
Types of sponsorships:
All Premier Sponsors receive the following benefits:
- Annual Recognition
- Advertisement (max size ½ page) included on all issues of “The Contact newsletter
- Advertisement included on NDA website sponsorship page
- Cornhusker Classic & Schooling Show Championship Competition
- Sponsorship announced during competition
- Annual Meeting & Year-end Celebration
- Business name & logo displayed on banquet program
- Sponsorship announced during annual meeting program
Grand Prix Sponsor ($1000)
Intermediate Sponsor ($500)
Prix St. George Sponsor ($250)
Third Level Sponsor ($125)
Calendar Sponsorship ($100)
Freestyle Sponsorship ($ Other Amount)