2025 NDA Schooling Show Championships will be held:
Sandhills Global Event Center - Lincoln, NE
Saturday, September 6, 2025
Clinic will be held Sunday, September 7!
More information to come
Sandhills Global Event Center - Lincoln, NE
Saturday, September 6, 2025
Clinic will be held Sunday, September 7!
More information to come
CHAMPIONSHIP RULESThe Goals of the Program
The following levels will be offered: Introductory, Training, First, and Second, plus Western Dressage (WD) Introductory, Basic, Level 1 and Level 2, in three divisions: Junior/Young Rider, Adult Amateur and Open. Freestyle and Quadrille are not offered. Membership Requirements
Championship Entry Form It is the rider’s responsibility to send in their championship entry form and copies of their qualifying tests prior to the closing date of the championship. Closing date will be printed on the entry form, which will be published in NDA's The Contact and online at nebraskadressage.org. Championship Rules At the championship, the horse/rider combination will ride one test to determine the championship winner. The test will be the highest test of the level, i.e. Intro C, Training Level 3, First Level 3, Second Level 3, WD Intro 4, WD Basic 4, WD Level 1 4, WD Level 2 4. A horse may only compete in two consecutive levels, i.e. Introductory and Training; Training and First; WD Intro and WD Basic; etc. Horse/rider combinations are not permitted to cross-enter divisions at the same or adjacent levels, for example, a horse/rider combination cannot enter Training Open division and Training Adult/Amateur division; nor are they allowed to enter Training Open division and First Level Adult/Amateur division. Under penalty of elimination, at no time during the NDA championship may any horse entered in the championship be ridden by anyone other than the rider entered in the championship on that horse (exception: grooms riding on a long rein). This rule applies even after the horse has completed its class. Championship tests must be ridden from memory. Championship title will not be awarded if the first place winner’s score is less than 55%. Attire and Tack at Championships At all times when mounted, an ASTM-certified protective safety helmet with properly secured harness is required. A short riding coat of conservative color with tie, choker or stock tie is recommended. Breeches and tall boots or paddock boots with half chaps must be worn. Children ages 12 and under may wear jodhpurs and jodhpur boots with straps – no leggings allowed. Gloves are recommended. The horse’s number should be worn while schooling and during competition. A dressage or all-purpose English saddle with stirrups is required. Saddle pads should be white or of a conservative color. A plain snaffle bridle is required at all levels (Intro through Second) with either a regular cavesson, dropped noseband, flash noseband, crescent noseband, or crossed noseband. Fly hoods, for the ears only, are permitted. Breastplates and cruppers are allowed. Braiding is encouraged (except Western), however, decorations in the mane or tail (flowers or ribbons) are not allowed. Whips are not allowed during championship tests. Prohibited equipment while schooling and during competition includes martingales, bit guards, any kind of gadgets (such as bearing, side, running, balancing, nasal strips, tongue tied down, etc.) and any kind of boots (bell boots, easy-boots, polo wraps, bandages). While lungeing, boots and bandages and single direct side reins are permitted. For Western Dressage classes, please refer to the current USEF/WDAA Western Dressage Rules for guidance on tack and attire. Helmet, horse number and whip rules above also apply to Western Dressage participants. |
QUALIFYINGAll entries must qualify to compete at the championship.
Qualification is based on horse/rider combination. A rider may qualify and compete on numerous horses, but each horse is limited to one rider. Therefore, two riders cannot share one horse. EXCEPTION: AA and Jr/YR riders can share a horse if they both qualified but all other rules apply so the horse cannot be shown twice in the same level and the horse must be shown in consecutive levels. Horse/rider combination must have earned two qualifying scores, at any test in the level (including USEF Rider Tests), at two different NDA-recognized schooling shows held within the qualifying season (October 1–September 30 of the current year) through the closing date of the championship.